Sample Documents We Legalise

We process thousands of documents every year. These are examples of some of the most common document we issue the apostille to. It is not exhaustive, we process ALL UK DOCUMENTS.

Using our apostille service makes the entire process simple. We do not use industry jargon and legal terms when plain English can be used. See our sample documents below to find out which documents we process and how much it will cost.

Personal Documents

We can legalise any genuine UK issued document required for use overseas.
These are just a sample of many we process every day.

Degree Certificate
Degree CertificateQualifications and Awards
2-3 Day Service
A Levels
A LevelsAcademic Certificates
2-3 Day Service
GCSE Certificates
GCSE CertificatesAcademic Certificates
2-3 Day Service
HMRC Certificate
HMRC CertificateResident for Tax
2-3 Day Service
Employment Letter
Employment LetterProof of Employment
2-3 Day Service
Probate Document
Probate DocumentInheritance Document
2-3 Day Service
Statutory Declaration
Statutory DeclarationSworn Statement
2-3 Day Service
PassportsIdentification Documents
2-3 Day Service
Last Will and Testament
Last Will and TestamentInheritance Document
2-3 Day Service
P60 Documents
P60 DocumentsTax papers
2-3 Day Service
Deed Poll
Deed PollName Change Document
2-3 Day Service
Qualification Certificates
Qualification CertificatesProof of Qualifications
2-3 Day Service

Government Documents

We can legalise any genuine UK issued document required for use overseas.
These are just a sample of many we process every day.

Birth Certificates
Birth CertificatesRegistrar or GRO Issued
2-3 Day Service
Marriage Certificate
Marriage CertificateChurch, Registrar or GRO Issued
2-3 Day Service
Death Certificate
Death CertificateRegistrar or GRO Issued
2-3 Day Service
Certificate of No Impediment
Certificate of No ImpedimentProof of Single Status
2-3 Day Service
Police Letter
Police LetterCriminal Record Check
2-3 Day Service
Criminal Record
Criminal RecordNPCC Background Checks
2-3 Day Service
Naturalisation Certificate
Naturalisation CertificateBritish Citizenship Document
2-3 Day Service
Final Order
Final OrderDivorce Document from Court
2-3 Day Service
Decree Absolute
Decree AbsoluteCourt Papers
2-3 Day Service

Company Documents

We legalise UK commercial papers and company documents with the apostille.
These are just a sample of many we process every day.

Certificate of Incorporations
Certificate of IncorporationsCompanies House Document
2-3 Day Service
Power of Attorney
Power of AttorneySigned by Solicitor or Notary
2-3 Day Service
Certificate of Good Standing
Certificate of Good StandingCompanies House Document
2-3 Day Service
HMRC Certificate
HMRC CertificateBusiness Tax Resident
2-3 Day Service
VAT Certificates
VAT CertificatesProof of Registration
2-3 Day Service
Articles of Association
Articles of AssociationConstitution Document
2-3 Day Service
Company Name Change Certificate
Company Name Change CertificateCompanies House Document
2-3 Day Service
Certificate of Incumbency
Certificate of IncumbencyCompany Structure
2-3 Day Service
Share Certificate
Share CertificateCompany Document
2-3 Day Service
Apostille Only

Standard Documents



Birth, Marriage, Death Certificates
ACRO, Criminal Record Checks
HMRC Letters and Certificates
Notary Signed Documents

Solicitor & Apostille

Documents Requiring Certification



Academic Documents & Awards
Degree, PGCE, Masters etc.
Court Documents, P60s and Payslips
DBS, Naturalisation Certificates
Company Documents

Set of Documents

Binding Documents Together



Bound Set – Academic Documents
Bound Set – Personal Documents
Bound Set – Employment Documents
Bound Set – Company Documents

Ordering is Simple!

Ordering is Simple

Ordering online is simple and safe. Please do not hesitate to contact us for free advice on your documents. We provide the same high level of customer service whether you are ordering an apostille for just one document or if you order from us every week.

order apostille certificate

How Does It Work?

The apostille certificate is attached to another document that is required in another country. After a document has been checked and the signatures or stamps have been verified the apostille can be issued.

We aim to complete all apostille orders in just 2 to 3 working days and currently achieve this with approximately 98% of orders. In most circumstances documents are ready in just 24 hours. Unfortunately, some documents do take slightly longer to process as the signatory may not respond to requests to confirm their signature. When delays do occur we will always try to reduce this where possible and keep customers informed.

We are the UK’s leading apostille service. With over 20 years experience legalising documents we are trusted by customers to handle their order securely and quickly.

Additional Services You May Need

Providing a complete document legalisation service. We offer more than just apostille certificates.