Apostille for Certificate of Incorporation
Certification Required

Certificate of Incorporation

This document requires solicitor certification in order to be eligible for the apostille. Most orders are completed in just 1-2 working days all being well. If you also need translation or embassy attestation services the processing time will be increased.

Frequently used for:

  • Proof of Registration
  • Opening a Bank Account

Choose the Service You Need


If you do not have a copy of your certificate of incorporation do not worry. There are two simple options available.

  1. Companies House keep scan copies of documents. For most companies we can download a copy of the incorporation documents free of charge.
  2. Companies House sell certified copies of the certificate of incorporation. These are signed by a registrar at Companies House and posted to you.

Yes, we can easily verify this document against the records held at Companies House. After ordering the solicitor certification and apostille service online you can email the document to us with a note of your order number.

Yes, multiple documents relating to the same company can be combined into a bound set of documents legalised with one apostille. This is available for any company document we can verify against the records held at Companies House.

Yes. We can arrange for a digital version of this document to be electronically certified by our solicitor and we can then also obtain the electronic Apostille from the FCDO.

This service can be ordered here.


Complete service for documents that need solicitor certification before we can add the apostille.

Fast service completed in 1-2 working days.

Let us take care of your legalisation. Save time and money with an inclusive service.

Certification & Apostille

Complete Service
