Power of Attorney
Your document must be pre-certified by a UK solicitor or notary public prior to being sent to us. We can then provide the Apostille only for this document. Most orders are completed in just 1-2 working days all being well. If you also need translation or embassy attestation services the processing time will be increased.
Frequently used for:
Situations may arise in which you need someone to act on your behalf in a legal capacity. This can often necessitate the use of a power of attorney. When issuing a power of attorney to an overseas agent you may be asked to get an apostille to ensure the document is legally recognised in the country it is being presented.
Before sending this document to us, please ensure this is signed in the presence of a UK solicitor or Notary Public. The solicitor or notary should ‘witness’ your signature, add a statement confirming why they are certifying this and also date the certification. This cannot be done remotely, you need to use a local solicitor. Our solicitor cannot witness you signing the document.

Getting Your POA Witnessed
It is important that your solicitor correctly certifies the document. They must add a statement why they are signing the POA, for example –
- Witnessed by
- Signed in my presence
- Signed before me
Documents of this nature are often used when dealing with the purchase or sale of an overseas property, managing the estate of an ex patriate, acting on behalf of a company internationally and for many other general purposes.
For guidance on the legalisation of a power of attorney please contact us.
Choose the Service You Need
If your document is being used in a country that is part of the Apostille convention then the document will usually need the Apostille. We can assist with this!
Embassy attestation is needed when documents are being used in countries that are not part of the Hague Apostille Convention. We can assist with getting documents by many embassies.
We offer standard translations and sworn translations for the vast majority of countries. Ensure your documents can be understood in the country they are being presented!
The power of attorney (POA) document shown on this page is not a legal power of attorney. It has been created to demonstrate what a power of attorney looks like. We recommend you obtain a legal POA from a reputable source and do not use our picture as a template.