We can order replacement documents with apostille for you.
The apostille can be issued on original or replacement documents. We often hear from clients who would like our assistance in obtaining replacement documents. Whether you would like to keep the original documents in your safe possession or simply for convenience our knowledgeable team are at hand to assist with obtaining your documents in an efficient manner.
We can order a replacement copy of your birth, marriage or death certificate
Birth Certificates
Marriage Certificates
Death Certificates
Replacement Company Documents
Our service also reaches beyond registry documents as we can also make the necessary arrangements to obtain various company documents on your behalf. Incorporation documents lodged electronically with Companies House are therefore available online enabling us to obtain these directly for your convenience.
If your company is operating internationally you may have been asked for a Certificate of Good Standing to confirm the status of your company. If this is new to you or for the sake of simplicity please contact one of our friendly advisors to discuss how we can assist.