by Apostille Service


by Apostille Service


apostille rejected

Can an Apostille be Rejected by Another Country?

The UK Apostille is a formal certificate, appended to a document to verify its authenticity for international use. Introduced by the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961, the Apostille aims to simplify the procedure of legalising documents across international borders. The Convention eliminates the requirement for diplomatic or consular legalization for foreign public documents, replacing it with the single Apostille.

However, the question remains: Can a UK Apostille be rejected by another country?

Understanding the Apostille Process:

Before diving into the complexities of rejection, it’s essential to understand the Apostille process. An apostille is, in essence, an affirmation by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office that the signature, seal, or stamp on the document is genuine. Once the Apostille is affixed, the document is deemed legalised for use in all the countries that are parties to the Hague Convention. Your UK document ‘should’ then be accepted in countries that recognise the apostille under the Hague Convention.

Grounds for Rejection

While the Apostille aims to simplify international document recognition, it doesn’t guarantee universal acceptance. Some potential reasons for a UK Apostille’s rejection include:

  1. Non-Member Countries: The Apostille is only valid amongst the member countries of the Hague Convention. If the document is presented to a nation that has not signed to the Convention, they may not recognise the Apostille and could demand additional legalisation procedures. This may include embassy attestation.
  2. Incomplete or Incorrect Documents: If the original document lacks necessary information or contains errors, it may be rejected, even if the Apostille itself is valid. Documents should be complete and not missing pages.
  3. Expired Documents: Some documents have a shelf life, for example criminal record background checks. Some countries, for example China, request the apostille is no more than 90 days old. If the document or the Apostille is outdated by the time it reaches its intended recipient, it could be declined.
  4. Improperly Affixed Apostille: The Apostille should be correctly attached to the document, signed by the FCDO and embossed with an embossing stamp. If the attachment is haphazard or damages the original content, it might be grounds for rejection.
  5. Suspicion of Fraud: Any suspicion of the document or the Apostille being fraudulent can result in refusal. This is particularly true in cases where signatures or seals don’t match the official records. We will not process any fake documents so do not send them to us.
  6. Specific Country Requirements: Some countries, although members of the Hague Convention, may have specific nuances or additional requirements regarding the presentation of documents. This can be seen with some academic documents that must be verified with the awarding body and the Apostille alone is not enough. It’s crucial to be aware of these to ensure smooth document acceptance. If in doubt, contact the Apostille Service for advice.

Mitigating Rejection:

To minimise the risk of rejection:

  • Ensure the document for which you seek an Apostille is suitable and correctly prepared.
  • Use trusted and known channels for obtaining your Apostille.
  • Familiarise yourself with the specific requirements of the country to which you’re presenting the document.
  • If unsure, consult with professionals who specialise in international document legalisation and Apostille services.


While the UK Apostille is a powerful tool for international document recognition, its acceptance is not universal. By being aware of potential pitfalls and being meticulous in preparation, one can increase the likelihood of the Apostille’s successful recognition abroad. It’s essential to stay informed and seek guidance when needed to navigate the complexities of international document legalisation.

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